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洋蜜蜂:论文陈述(Thesis statement)的写作技巧

时间: 2020-11-14 文章来源: 洋蜜蜂Online Tutor

商科  统计  写作



留学,辅导,补习,Online Tutor,留学生论文写作,留学生论文写作辅导,留学生论文写作tutor,留学论文,论文写作,论文陈述,Thesis statement


洋蜜蜂Online Tutor


洋蜜蜂:论文陈述(Thesis statement)的写作技巧


论文陈述(Thesis statement)的写作并不难,只需要5个步奏就能完成,洋蜜蜂将通过下文介绍给大家。


Thesis statement就像是论文的灵魂一样,对于一篇留学生论文而言,Thesis statement可以说就是这篇论文的中心思想,并且包含了论文研究观点,它能对整篇留学生论文所涉及到的研究对象和研究问题进行总结和概括,读者可以在很短的阅读时间内对于论文内容做大致的了解,所以留学生们一般都了解只要写好了Thesis statement,那么也就意味着Paper几乎完成一半了,那么归根到底Thesis statement怎么写呢?


Importance of the Thesis Statement 论文陈述的重要性


When it comes to research papers many students will tell you that the research topic is the most important aspect of the process, or perhaps that the research done is all that matters. Some are surprised to hear that it is the thesis statement that they need to focus on, and this explains the problem with so many research papers. Without a good thesis statement a paper does not have a true sense of purpose, and this is not a minor problem for a paper to have. A successful paper requires a clear thesis statement that guides the paper along, and if you are having trouble with this then your paper is in jeopardy.


Thesis statement is the central element of any academic paper. It summarizes the main ideas of the paper, gives a roadmap for the project and prepares readers for what will follow. At the same time, thesis statements for different types of papers are not the same. Here’s how to write a thesis statement for a research paper.


Step 1: Formulate Your Main Conclusion 步骤1:制定你的主要结论


Imagine you want to explain your best friend what your paper is about. You probably won’t give too much unnecessary detail. Instead, you will tell everything in simple words and just one sentence:


“Social interaction is important for personal development of adolescents.”


Step 2: Add Your Main Arguments 步骤2:添加你的主要论点


To prove your main point, you will need some weighty arguments. The main arguments that will be further developed in the project make your thesis statement more persuasive. Here’s what you may say in your paper on social activity of adolescents:


Communication with peers helps adolescents achieve the sense of belonging.

Social interaction improves adolescents’ self-esteem and communication skills.


Step 3: Consider Counterarguments 步骤3:考虑反驳


Think of your most skeptical reader. Imagine what s/he could say to ruin your best logical arguments. Show that you understand that the research question is not that easy as it seems.


“Sometimes communication with peers can have negative effects on adolescents.”


Step 4: Give a Plan for Your Paper 步骤4:制定一份论文计划


Combine everything you have by this step into a whole. Here’s a rather good example of a thesis statement for a research paper:


“Even though peers can sometimes have bad influence on adolescents, communicating with someone of their own age helps young people obtain the feeling of belonging, and social interaction as the central component of personal development improves their self-esteem.”


Step 5: Test It with the “So What” Question 步骤5:测试它与“So What”的问题


The last but not least step to writing a good thesis statement for a research paper is checking whether it can leave readers indifferent and sleepy or not. Ask yourself whether someone can read your thesis statement and exclaim ‘so what?’ If yes, you’re doing it wrong. Revisit your thesis statement to add some controversy and counterarguments to it and improve its logic.


通过上述对于留学生论文Thesis statement写作技巧的讲解和辅导后,各位对于Thesis statement是否有了更进一步的了解呢?在写作这一类的研究性论文的时候,如果没有一个好的Thesis statement,那么这篇论文就不能够算的上是一篇好的论文,因为它缺乏一个清晰的具有中心意义的Thesis statement。


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